Tuesday, 3 November 2015



First up has to be the dramatic new, intended byat his atelier in Milan, which went live crosswise the airlines network on December 27, 2014 to rejoice the launch of the carriers new flagship A380 service flank by Abu Habit and London Heath row.

Bilotta had designed the airlines preceding uniform back in 2010 and working off Etihads brand palette ‘Facets of Abu Dhabi’, used to create their prominent new livery, the new piece are base about the warm chocolate-brown deep and purple colouring.
All items are made from 100% Italian wool and just about 30% of each individual outfit is handmade. For the female crew a smart chocolate-brown skirt suit is accessorised with built-in long brown rhombus texture gloves, a belt, slim line handbag and good-looking scarf, featuring intricate geometric patterns and fretwork.
 A fashionable new double cut and aerodynamic hat harks back to the jet-set era. Cabin manager wear a bright Magenta hat, compare to the brown of other crew.


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